Hi, my name is Myk Bilokonsky. I’ve spent the last 20 years building software and thinking deeply about the way systems work. About five years ago I learned I was autistic and ADHD, and have focused heavily on figuring out, well, what exactly that means.
I’m not a trained therapist, haven’t gone to school for coaching - why am I offering these services?
Because I’ve spent 4 decades on this earth learning how to navigate successfully and build a sustainable, happy life. I’ve figured out how to heal a lot of trauma, and more importantly I’ve come to understand how to talk about mental health recovery in ways that make sense to neurodivergent brains.
Listen, I’ve been there - I’ve had neurotypical therapists ruin my life, I’ve spent years paying to educate people who were supposed to be helping me, I’ve tried all of the bad advice that doesn’t work for neurodivergent people and I realized that there has to be a better way.
So I spent years just talking to other neurodivergent folks. In particulate, I found Terra Vance’s work at to be inspiring, and I’ve built up the framework based on her research and writing. I’ve also made massive mistakes, caused damage to people I loved, and struggled to figure out what was happening and why. Learning to see the systems helped me to take accountability for my own choices in ways I hadn’t understood how to - when you’re ready, this means I can help you with your too. I’m not in tech anymore. I woke up one day and simply couldn’t handle the contradictions. The world is dying, people are suffering, and my body wouldn’t let me ignore that anymore. So here I am, showing up where it feels right.
You can find some links below to learn more about me!
You can find me on Twitter here, for now. The site is rapidly deteriorating and it’s already borderline unethical to keep using it, but I reach a lot of people there.
If you’re curious about me and what I’m up to, take a look at my digital garden! I host essays, links to projects and random musings.
The Public Neurodiversity Support Center is a freely available public resource whose eventual goal is to become the single best resource on the internet about neurodiversity - written entirely by neurodivergent people. This site hosts a lot of essays and other resources, and is a great place for newly diagnosed individuals to visit. I write and pay others to contribute content.
This subreddit was my first attempt to create a neurodivergent space, and while I don’t spend much time there these days every time I check in it is has gotten both larger and kinder. One of the best communities on reddit, this site even got a shout out in Devon Price’s .